Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why did I do it?

Oh the horror! My new classmates have discovered that I don't know the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner" our national anthem! I was invited to lead the class in the singing of the anthem when suddenly, I could not control myself and I broke down in tears. I had disappointed the entire nation when I could not lead the class in the anthem.

When I told the teacher that I did not know the lyrics, she and the class just stared at me, not in respect but with anger. They felt that I had lied to them, to gain attention. Well, perhaps I did lie a little, but that was because of that Miss Narwin teacher. She could not even take a joke! I still feel she still has it in for me. Those little, barely noticeable, innocent little lies, should not have affected the nation like this.

Now I am feeling a little guilty. Sigh! I wish none of this would have happened. If only I did not try to annoy Miss Narwin, which is about as safe as poking a hibernating grizzly in the eye, I would still be back in Harrison High School with my friends and I might be in the track team.

Miss Narwin, if you happen to be reading this, I am really sorry.


  1. Too late. You ruined my life and my teaching career. Students like you should think before selfishly trying to find the easiest way out. I am in Florida with my sister and I am never going back to the teaching profession. They can spend all their money on marching bands for all I care. And don't even think of poking me in the eye! Good bye Philip and good riddance. Miss N.

  2. PS You owe me a book review on "Call of the Wild." Miss N.
