Saturday, March 28, 2009

Confessions of a book-lover

Book-lovers have their fair share of unjust comments such as bookworm, nerd and the like. However this is rather grossly unfair. Without book-lovers such as myself, there would not be much need for libraries and authors anymore.

However, I confess that perhaps I like books a little too much. I could not bear to see a book soiled and dirtied. I like to make myself oblivious to all else by reading a book. I drown myself in a story when I am feeling down. When I suddenly remember a particular scene in a book that made me laugh, feel happy or any other emotion, I would take the book right out of my bookshelf and read the particular portion.

As a book-lover, I would usually buy the books I have in mind or borrow them. I also like to collect books that are in a series like General Grevious collects his victim's lightsaber(that is a portion from Starwars). Whenever I look at my collection of books I feel so proud.

To all book-lovers out there in this world, do not be ashamed of your love of books. Be proud of it!

1 comment:

  1. Never EVER apologize for being a reader. It's a great thing.
